How to Design an Invitation Card Using Word

How to write an invitation letter discovering the types of letters + the structure + the rules how to compose them?

An invitation letter is a kind of the official letter where the addressee is invited to take part in a certain event.

Read our article and learn how to write an invitation letter properly.

What is an invitation letter?

An invitation letter is an official writing which is sent to the addressee on the occasion of holding an event, a conference or a meeting.

It can be also composed to invite a person to the interview or a session.

Many companies use the oral form of transmitting information and the invitation letter is just like the additional means to pay attention to the addressee.

Such way of inviting people undoubtedly has a list of advantages. Now we'll discuss them in turns:

  1. Due to such letter, you can show your respect to the addressee.
  2. The presence of such letter is a sign that a person is actually invited to the event and must come there in time.
  3. One can send it to the addressee in case he has no opportunity to contact him using other means.
  4. Such card will be in front of the addressee's eyes and he won't forget about the forthcoming meeting. For example, if he was invited to participate as the spokesperson at the official gathering.

How to write an invitation letter learning its structure?

An invitation can be unofficial, semi-official and official.

Such letters must contain the additional information concerning the event such as the address, date and time, the dress code of the event, and, in case there is a necessity, strict instructions how to get there.

The introductory phrase usually sounds like this:

"We will be honored…" or "We would like to see you…" or "I would be honored to see you in…" or "We organize…" or "I heartily invite you to…" and others.

The main body is composed in the following way:

This is the conceptual block where the content of the invitation is expanded.

Some certain information in enumerated and the needed questions are asked, too.

Later on, you express the expected actions of the addressee or the solution of the problem, or the answer to the request, and gather them in the conclusion.

The conclusion part looks like this:

  1. We would be glad if you could…
  2. Please, let us know whether you'll come…
  3. Hope to see you…
  4. Hope you'll be able to come.
  5. Look forward to meeting you…
  6. Please, let us know if you can come.

The form of the appeal in an invitation letter

The form of the appeal depends on how well you know a person to whom you appeal.

Here are several examples:

Dear John! – to friends or relatives.

Dear Sir – if this John is your boss. This is the official appeal.

My dear Sir – the appeal you can use in the private correspondence with irony.

Dear Mr. Smith – the official appeal to the virtual stranger (you do not know this John).

How to write an invitation letter taking into account the important details

  1. If you do not know the sex of the addressee – indicate his/her full name: Dear T.K. Spinazola.
  2. If you do not know which contraction you'd better use (Miss or Mrs.) because you are unaware whether the lady is married, you'd better use the neutral Ms.
  3. In case you write this message to a couple of people, make sure you used both names in the appeal.
  4. You cannot contract the following appeals: Professor, Dean, Governor, Captain, Admiral, Judge, Sister, Senator.

How to write an official invitation letter?

You cannot build your business without official invitations.

How to write an invitation letter in this case?

There are certain rules which you must follow inviting your business partners to the different kinds of events.

7 steps how to write an invitation letter:

  1. Write the official invitation on the company's special paper.

    As a rule, such forms have the contact information, address, telephone number, e-mail and the logo of the company-sender.

    The receiver, who takes this sending in his hands, must define who sent it at once.

  2. In the top right side of the sheet, you should write the post of the addressee.

    So that your message was not sent to the trash basket at once you should appeal to the addressee by the name.

  3. Composing the text you should not stray off the subject.

    It must have the clear and precise information about the forthcoming event.

    You can also mention the uniqueness of the future event and its meaning to the addressee.

  4. Try to be sincere when composing the invitation.

    Pompous and grand-sounding texts do not trigger any good emotions in the addressee.

  5. If you do not know the person personally, you should create such text which is sure to be interesting for him.

    The individual approach to every partner will help you built your business successfully.

    If there is no such possibility, you should compose a universal text without emotions.

  6. Set in the letter the time and date of the event and where it will happen.

    All information you share must be extremely full but it must not be overloaded with the excess details.

  7. Make sure you send these letters a few days before the future event.

    The addressee must have some time to think your offer through and respond to you either with an agreement or with a polite refusal.

The example of how to write an invitation letter in the official style

Such things are extremely significant in business.

It often happens that you must invite a colleague or the whole staff members to a very important event, business meeting, business dinner, etc.

The message should be short because businessmen do not like when reading takes much time.

That's why writing your message you should try to be precise, brief, specific and laconic.

You must write it long before the actual event so that people were able to plan their time properly.

How to Write a Novella?

The example how to write an invitation letter:


(The name of the company)

(The address)




Dear Mr…

We would like to see You at our party on Sunday (the date of the event).

We would be glad to see You and Your wife.

Sincerely Yours, __________

(Name) _________________ (Post)

How to write an invitation letter to a holiday?

Inviting to celebrate a holiday a few days before the event is likely to set people in the corresponding mood.

You can make your friends and relatives ready for the party or the remarkable date using the unusual design of the invitations which you created.

  1. Make them in the form of the little rectangular cards or business cards.

    Their size will depend on the amount of the text which was printed not less than with font size12.

  2. Pick the paper so that the invitation did not become shabby.

    For these purposes, you should pick thick textures.

    Then you must choose the text's color which will be in contrast to the paper's color.

    The text must be easily perceptible by the eyes.

    It is usually the combination of light background and dark font.

  3. If you make many invitations, you should firstly type their text in a text editor on your computer.

    Set the font size not less than 12 and pick the style.

    Try different options but do not go too far with the visual effects – do not use more than two kinds of typefaces.

  4. Print the invitations and decorate each copy.

    You may use pictures or figures to cope with this task.

    Besides, you are also able to decorate them with stamps.

    Put a stamp in the paint and leave the prints on every copy.

  5. A pretty standard message may become less trivial with the help of an unusual picture.

    Put a colorful inkblot and draw arms, legs and eyes to make it look alive.

    Glue some beads to make the design unique or use straws and wool yarn.

  6. You can make the theme invitations for unofficial holidays where only your close friends and relatives will gather.

    For instance, for your birthday you can send small gift boxes inside of which you put candies and a note with time and date of the celebration.

If you do not know how to write an invitation letter, you should definitely use the advice from our article.

No matter what purpose it serves, it must always have precise and clear structure.

Sticking to the structure and rules of how to compose a letter, you'll be sure to get out the message to the addressee.

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How to Design an Invitation Card Using Word


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